Names with an icon beside them have photo exhibits attached also.
- (
- (?)
- A
- Abbott Adams Aldous Alexandre Allen Andre Andrews Arnold Arrowsmith
- B
- Baigent Bailey Bain Balcheir Balcomb Barlow Barter Bartlett Bawcock Beale Bearman Bentley Best Betty Bignall Blackman Blackmore Boden Boitelle Bolger BOMCILE Bone Boucher Bowering Boys Braby Bradfield Bramwell Brayley Brooke Brown Browning Bryant Bucknall Buik Burletson
- C
- Cage Caldwell Carette Carlisle Carlyle Carpentier Cartnell Cayzer Chaffey Chance Chapple Chatfield Clare Clark Clayson Cockram Colebrook Coleman Cotter Couvreur Cox Crampon Cridge Crocker Cullen
- D
- Damon Danielli Dartan Dartan-Delecolle Dawkins de L'ecole de Savoie Deacon Delecolle Delescolle Detrois Doherty Donnelly Dormeval Dovill Druvett Dubord Ducange Dummett Dupuis Dyer Dyke
- E
- Easlea Ellis Esquoine Exell
- F
- Farmer Feru Fill Fisher Fooke Frank Freeman Frost Fry
- G
- Garrard Gelmayr Gemmell Gillingham Godard Godfrey Goffe Good Gorvet Gorvett Gosling Gough Griffin Guy
- H
- Haig Hallett Halse Hammet Hancock Hankin Hardy Harent Harrison Hart Harvie Hawken Hayward Henny Henry Herd Herring Heslop Hill Hislop Holden Holt Hookway Hooper Hope Horn Horne Horner Houbron Hourigan Howell Hoy Hyde
- I
- Ingram
- J
- Jellicoe Jennings Johnson
- K
- Kelly KING/King Kingdon Knott Knowlton
- L
- L'Hotte Laing Lake Lane Langdon Lawes Lawrence Lecroart LeFebvre Leinster Lidstone Lipscomb Livett Loder Lodge Long Lonsdale Loosemore
- M
- Mackenzie Mackness Mahoney Marr Matthews May Maycock McCulkin McKay McLellan Meacock Meddle Medley Melhuishe Merryman Metherell Middleditch Miles Milford Millan Moffatt Mogg Monaghan Monahan Monk Montgomerie Morgan Morrice Murch Murphy
- N
- Neale Newsom Nichols Nicklin Nutt Nye
- O
- O'Brien Oger Olley Ommaney Orrell Osburn
- P
- Pack Packer Padgett Page Palmer Parbery Parker Parsons Patryge Pearse Pearson Pellatt Pellett Perry Pettitt Phillips Pickett Piers Pillar Pleasse Popham Potter Poulhaye Price Pugh Puttock
- Q
- Quignon
- R
- Ratcliffe Rawson Read Reck Reid Rexworthy Richards Richardson Richmond Ricksworthy Rigelsford Rigsworthy Rix Roach Robins Rodd Rosser Rout Rumble
- S
- Sache Saguez Salisbury Sarles Saunders Schwartz Seeley Selby Shapcott Shaw Sherbrooke Skelding Skinner Smart/SMART Smith Snook Snow Stafford Stanley Starr Steers Stephens Stone Storrie Stretch Sullivan Swales Swingler Sykes Symes
- T
- Taylor Tellefsen Tervet Thatcher Thomas Thomson Thorn Thorne Thuiller Tite Tout Trickey Trowt Trowte Tuck
- U
- Underwood
- V
- Vaughan Verney Villers Villiers Voiturier
- W
- Walker Warnock Wastcott Watkins Webb/WEBB Webster Weedon Welch Weller Westcott Wheeler Whitby White Whitfield Widdowson Widgery Wilday Wildren Wilkinson Williams Windigat Wolfe Wright
- Y
- Yeates Yeo